Asturagua summons the IV literary contest 'Water Smart Stories’

In the contest can participate all young people between the ages of 12 and 16 years of age who are enrolled in secondary education in educational centers located in any of the municipalities where Asturagua or Aguas de Avilés provide their services in water supply. The deadline for submitting the stories is the 30 April 2019.

Asturagua, consistent with its commitment to education and social responsibility, announces the fourth edition of the literary contest 'Water Smart' Stories, whose objectives are to contribute to the diffusion of the culture of the water through literature and raise awareness of the need to take care of the water and the environment; therefore, the subject matter has to be referred to the importance of water in society and life.

In the contest can participate all young people between the ages of 12 and 16 years of age who are enrolled in secondary education in educational centers located in any of the municipalities where Asturagua or Aguas de Avilés provide their services in water supply: Avilés, Cabrales, Cangas del Narcea, Cangas de Onís, Castropol, Coaña, Colunga, Cudillero, El Franco, Grado, Llanes, Muros del Nalón, Navia, Ribadedeva, Ribadesella, Salas, Tapia y Tineo.


Cartel Certamen Literario "Relatos de agua inteligente" fecha limite: 30 de abril 2019,


Each author may present a maximum of unpublished story written in spanish language, and whose extension not exceeding 500 words, that must be written to your computer for email. The deadline for submitting the stories is the 30 April 2019.

The winner of the literary contest will receive an Ipad. The award ceremony will be held in the municipality of residence of the winner on dates close to the 5 June (World Environment Day).

All the details of the contest are set out in the bases of the IV of Asturagua Literary Contest and you can download at this link.